Wednesday 23 July 2014

True Balance, the power of one!

Move forward and be your own Leader...

John Maxwell famously said, “A great leader’s courage to fulfill his vision comes from passion, not position.” In tough times like these with the global banking crises, innumerable economic travesties and bad news affecting our very view on today’s world, I would say to feel a little world weary is very understandable and very human! We often look to leaders for inspiration, security and direction with mixed results and an open question remains when we lay down our heads at night, which is “will it be alright?”

In order to answer this question, I think we have to reframe our mindsets especially if we have known nothing but good times flowing freely in our lives and never really needed to summon our “internal leader”. Denis Waitley once said “you must stick to your convictions, but be ready to abandon your assumptions”.  This is something to live by in order to be flexible enough to adapt to a sometimes unfair but always changing world.

 In reframing our mindsets in pursuit of the future state of ‘you’, we should consider the following in my view:

Draw from your past, don’t let your past draw from you. It is very natural to sit into a “silo mentality” and think our chosen professions will see us through to retirement with our company’s management group planning our progression. This is often not the case and one should not be caught unaware of this. You are your own best career advocate! You need to stay active in your own career research, guidance and planning.

Givers will be givers and takers will be takers! We naturally seek out those of like mind but often carry a learnt assumption that we can handle those whom are not like us in today’s connected world. Maybe we can, but if we don’t approach this scientifically and verify, then we leave ourselves exposed to bad behaviour and exploitation especially through the down side of the economic cycle like we have had for the last 6 years or so.  Surround yourself with people whom believe like you do and you will not fail!

Know yourself, your company culture and your colleagues. Honest self-reflection of strengths, weakness, fears and hopes should leave us with two enormous questions. Who am I? Who do I want to be? Once answered, one should have a sense of one’s present and future desired state of ‘you’. Knowing this, we then can ask the next round of questions. Do I know my company culture and am I compatible with it?? Do I know my colleagues and do we share some common values and beliefs? If we can reconcile these elements positively, then we have a workplace avenue in our lives that can help deliver the desired future state of ‘you’.

If we cannot make it, make something else. There is nothing more terrifying then a career professional having to consider ‘something else’! Life can be unfair and unfortunately, we have to deal with it. How we deal with it can determine success or failure starting with approach. If we are good at what we do, chances are we will get to where we need to go in life and achieve our desired state of ‘you’. However, if we cannot reconcile the present ‘you’ to the future ‘you’ due to incompatibilities in one’s company culture, job/profession, who we call our colleagues or indeed our friends, then we need to remember that those inconsistences could in aggregate deny us our desired future state, which acts are a barrier to being truly happy. Sometimes those painful steps in becoming something else can transform our personal lives enabling our achievement of life’s goals.

A balanced mind is a powerful mind! Excess is a temporary state that fulfills a temporary need just as scarcity is a temporary state that creates temporary needs. The key to balance is not only in the likes of exercise, meditation and work-life balance, it also lies in a wider realisation of the world around us and how this reconciles to our future desired state of who we want to be. If we can achieve a sense of balance in ourselves, then we open a new world of possibility as we travel down life’s path.

There is no single right answer to any of the above, only what’s right for you. The lessons we have learnt in life do not prepare us for everything, which is why a balanced learning mind will always be mindful of the future whilst enjoying the greatest gift the universe offers us, which is the present; an indelible reality fulfilled by those whom embrace it believing today can deliver a better tomorrow. 


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