Monday 27 July 2015

Is our hyper connected world “Too Fast?’

The need for speed… illusion or reality?

Almost any professional in any reputable military organisation around the world will understand the need to be focused, centred and balanced in often-chaotic situations. This is where the term “slow is smooth, smooth is fast” comes from.  

We civilians don’t dodge bullets for a living yet live in a world that seems to be going faster and faster with no end in sight! A mind blowing thought if there ever was one! So, to my opening statement, if the professional soldier can slow down ‘his world’ in order to be focused, centred and effective, when why can’t we?

Reality… reality… reality!!! It’s the same yet so different for each and every one of us! My parents never understood computers, my grandparents never truly understood the motorcar and my great grandparents never understood… well I think you get my point about the relativity of our time. It defines our reality and the context of our ability to “keep up!” We don’t become overwhelmed because our relative world is too fast. I submit we are overwhelmed because we have become disconnected with what has always mattered in our world and in our lives!

There are a number of things at play that can ruin brilliant people and propel others of more mediocre standing to the stars. In my own analysis of this problem, I can advise the following as a process in approaching this issue, which can positively impact health, job and personal life like no other:

Acceptance - Paradigm of Existence – Starting at the basics, if we accept that technology and how the world works is relative to our past, not a replica of it, then we can remove expectations that inhibit us. If we accept the world for what it is, not what we think it should be, we can then start thinking about influencing it for the better.

Inner Struggle - We think therefore we areWe should never forget that we exist in this world as whole beings with the potential within us to be inherently good and thus truly happy. In order to find ourselves, we need to resolve the inner conflict, which arises from over focus on materialism and counter productive societal pressures. Be whole; be assertive and understand true learning comes from the journey, not the destination!

Clarity of Vision - Accept fast, think you! -  The best quality of thought comes from finding a pace that hits a balance between slow and fast for you! Many will pressure for faster returns, better this, quicker that, but the reality is that your qualitative brilliance comes in balance, not under the mire of transferred anxiety from seniors who really should know better! Accept it for what it is and you will see a path through life that is aligned to you.  If your life path goes in a different direction, then I recommend you follow it for your journey is yours to own.

Life Skills - Manage your life – Good organisational skills allow us to do more with less and they are present in successful people over the centuries from Genghis Khan to Richard Branson! The reason why is clear. We need structure and discipline to succeed in the world. If we accept the paradigm of our world, we can plan to engage with it on our terms and within the same time frame, deriving value from our presence here using the tools of life such as organisational skills, technology, etc

Know Yourself - Look within, for it is where you will find your treasure – Too many people become anxious about themselves and their ability to succeed as they feel society will not forgive them if they don’t at least rival their peers with similar performances. This is a dog eat dog fallacy that inhibits great people from looking within and seeing what area of life resonates with them to their very bones! Even if such a person ignores that inner voice saying, “You don’t belong here” and succeeds in climbing the ladder of life on a career wall; isn’t it a tragedy to reach the top only to find your ladder is facing the wrong wall?? I think it is, which is why finding ourselves should precede a career change based on true self-reflection and discovery of where we belong!

Understanding - Seek to understand and you will drive your own destiny – If you seek understanding, you may not always find pleasantry but will never surrender to the illness of learnt helplessness! We need to own our present in order to find a future path to happiness.  The best lessons are learnt in the darkest hours of our lives. Those who stay strong and balanced will eventually see a brighter day shine for them!

So, with the kernels of Acceptance, Inner Struggle, Clarity of Vision, Life-Skills, Know yourself and understanding around for thousands of years, why do these kernels answer the question of why can’t we keep up? Even in today’s information age of hyper connectivity, if we become disconnected from our real selves and the real world around us, what millennium we live in becomes irrelevant as our problem and solution remains the same. Inner connection to the outer world opens up its wonders in so many ways; we can walk in the sunshine even when it is raining. It’s a timeless tale that is delivered to us by life… always has being, always will be!




Monday 20 July 2015

Cloud Technology; is it flexible enough for the “real world”?

If it’s really ‘all good’ in the Cloud, then why wait any longer?

Last week, I attended an “awesome” event hosted by AWS and their Co-Sponsor Intel in the ‘Silicon Docks’ area of Dublin, Ireland. The event appropriately named “AWSome day” was a whistle stop tour of AWS’s complex cloud offering that ranged from Compute Services like EC2 to Storage Services like S3, Elastic Block Storage (EBS), Dynamo DB plus others.

So after hearing AWS’s offering and some technical details about its platform, the following points struck me about AWS as something that one cannot overlook when thinking about how to structure one’s digital footprint in today’s world:

Availability – AWS has a highly robust and developed global network of availability zones, each one containing between 1 and 6 data centres, which provides uptime availability to a target of 99.99999999% as claimed by AWS on the day.

Reliability – In addition to the 11 availability zones that have sub zones (multiple data centres), there are 53 edge locations where “Route 53” DNS management and mapping takes place. Route 53 services ensure data is returned to a user as quickly as the nearest edge location managing the routing traffic can provide it.

Customisation – You can select exactly what kind of processing power you want, what kind of storage you need and what kind of access you want in configuration of your AWS solution. This allows for higher performance to be returned in cost effective manner given your needs are well defined.

Access Control – The ability to set policies by instance to regional level helps with security and business rule policies on information management (access) are useful also.

Size – The ability to scale up and scale down with AWS is apparently very easy and user friendly in its execution. AWS is over 10 times larger then its entire competitor list put together and thus is the cloud titan of today!

Big Data – AWS has big data stack providing services and enhancements for Big Data users of Hadoop and Spark. The underlying infrastructure in my view lends itself to parallelisation and good performance in big data jobs

So, it would appear AWS has gotten its business structured in a way that it could last a thousand years! Can it? Oh dude, I don’t know but what I do know is that migration onto the cloud needs to be done carefully and know that if you don’t do what’s right for your business, the costs involved could be enormous! Do it carefully, then the savings and gains will outmatch the risk you take so why not take some pre migration steps like these:

Risk Matrix – Create a list of elements involved in your IT structure both positive, negative and neutral and rank them by risk propensity (likelihood of it happening) to risk impact (direct impact of it happening on your business).  Map them out by these two elements in a cluster chart and see where they all sit, then group them by common thread see what risk picture your current IT structure & cloud solution presents.

Cost – Cloud provider pricing has a free tier these days, but when you exceed it, the pricing structures kick in and can become complex especially if you are using allot of services that present a value adding solution for your company. AWS is no different in this regard! Understand your proposition in terms of current state and costs along with project incurred state and costs. Not understanding your cost obligations may cost you dearly e.g. if you have a ‘freemium’ business model offering highly popular services such as SaaS over the web, footing the cloud bill based on throughput may come as a real shocker so be careful!

Purchase Choice – A strange thing about the cloud is that it appears they all offer the same service but they don’t. They may have comparable storage and compute services, but there are differentiation in many services and levels that should not be overlooked or assumed. For example, AWS has a neat service for using access keys call KMS (Key Management Service), Microsoft azure has Key Vault which can also simplify access key management. They work a little differently as the options for access management can vary, so it’s worth getting to know your preferred option in great detail.

A Cloud partner is a key business partner choice so investing in the selection of a cloud partner is a must to mitigate the risk a cloud partner can bring such as:

Financial insecurity – if your cloud partner is financially distressed and becomes insolvent, your stored data and services on the cloud are at risk of being lost or breached due to lack of maintenance by the provider.

Poor controls – some vendors have being found out for their poor controls where staff has used their work passwords on personal computers that were breached by hackers who then attacked the cloud platform successfully. A poorly managed Cloud provider with poor internal controls is a threat to your business!

Billing – the nature of cloud platform billing often sees careful customers run low bills. Budgets are based often on time constrained accountants who use last years spending patterns to set budgets. Be aware of your traffic and all triggers used in cloud billing like storage, V/M use, DB instance use, etc. The resulting shock in bills for successful business campaign could financially distress your company especially if you bundle free services in your offering.

Downtime – Even AWS has down time, which costs a whole lot of money for its customers. That said; its downtime is very low compared with competitors and in-house solutions in terms of company wide crashes.

Security – With platforms, there is a race between vendor and hacker to stop/seek a breach! Staffers are targets for access codes, the platform is a target for remote attacks and I’m sure there are other areas where this battle continues between vendor and hacker!

As I headed home, I realised the AWS has become a leader in cloud technology because they never lost sight of what the customer needed. With a little time and investment in your business future, you too could be on your way to the cloud joining so many successful established and start up businesses…

What do you think? Are we putting our heads into the cloud and seeing more clearly or are we for the birds?? Leave a comment with your opinion...



AWSome Day hosted by AWS bringing the audience on a whistle tour of AWS’s cloud offering. *2 Pictures.


AWSome Day hosted by AWS bringing the audience on a whistle tour of AWS’s cloud offering.

Monday 13 July 2015

The Future of Things…

Hindsight, is it too little too late?

Steve Jobs said in 2005 at a Stanford graduation ceremony “Again, you can’t connect the dots going forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect to your future.”  

He was a very insightful man who understood the world we lived in at a deeper level then most that often try to connect the dots going forward and in doing so; ignore the lessons of the past.  In ignoring the past, I submit we become un-centred in our thoughts, decisions and actions leaving us prone to intuitive bias, assumptive errors and wild card comparisons that blind us to how good things could be versus how they look! If we had only connected the dots in hindsight, then the future would be visible through a much clearer lens.  With this understanding of where have come from kept in perspective, mapping out a successful future becomes an achievable goal indeed! The question is; what part does hindsight play in this venture?

Hindsight can be a valuable asset as much as a dreaded liability, which is why we need to use it discerningly. If we look too deeply into the past, we can become trapped in the emotion of the day, which clouds our judgement and our ability to accurately connect the dots for a brighter future! To quote Polonius from Hamlet, “To thine own self be true”. If we don’t deceive ourselves as to our actual place in the world, where we have come from and be at peace where we want to go, we can bring the best of us into the future whilst accepting the rest and stowing it away in its rightful place, which is in our past! 

In order to do this and properly place hindsight in its rightful context, I submit the following is necessary to increase chances of a successful outcome when looking into our past in order to join meaningful dots together so we can map out a successful future….

Be at peace – As my dear old mother would say “draw from the past, don’t let the past draw from you!” Her incredible insights have shown that if we truly come to terms with who we are and are at peace with it, then we can see a future with the benefit and not the baggage of the past. Such a future is what belongs to us rather then what others expect of us!

Know thine self - Not knowing who we truly are and what we are capable of as human beings is a common malady that most are not even aware of. True self-reflection requires meditative commitment and digging deeper into yourself for answers. It is a must if you are to gain a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you. Techniques like mindfulness are aids to a deeply relaxed state of being that can lead to deep high functioning thought on self reflection and strategizing for the future.

Accept the negatives - Nobody is free from being victimised, being wronged and being targeted unfairly in this world! It’s a fact of life and often leaves real scars seen and unseen on us all, which is why we should not ignore them! If the offending party are brought to justice (or not) by society’s rules and limitations, the personal hurt will still remain. We need to accept our being in the world and the injury caused on us so we can heal and move on. The scars that remain should be celebrated within our own hearts and minds as part of “who we are” as they become the toughest part of our psyche that we can use for good into the future. Another favourite saying of mine comes into mind on accepting the negatives “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger!” By accepting the negatives, we become free of the dead weight that will pull our future down and thus give rise to a brighter day going forward!

“Connect the dots” to paint a picture – In reaching a balanced and powerful state of being, perceptual paths open up to us, which re-orientates our perception of the past to a new state. With this in mind, looking into the future allows us to see what’s right for us right now and more discerningly chose a path into the future that is aided by hindsight, not hindered by it.

Another old saying that is close to my heart is “never make a permanent decision based on a temporary emotion”, which is why after my redundancy in 2012, I formulated the above process to come to grips with my past, my present and map a better future that is good for me! My experience led me to testing and research on where my passion lies, which is why I decided to switch from Finance to Software and despite the risks, set backs and challenges, I have not regretted a single minute of it! The reason why it is possible is because this time, its something I am doing with the past behind me, the present with me and the future ahead of me, which allows me to bring my mind, my passion and my very being on the journey into a space where I belong!

I don’t know if I will be successful despite early successes in academia and aptitude. However, fuelled with passion and ability along with a deeper sense of the world, my chances of success can only very good indeed! If we are to be happy in this world, shouldn’t we start from within and share it with the world so the world can share its happiness with us? I think so, what do you think? Leave your opinions on your life skills experience… Share some happiness with the world today!!... 




Contribution of photo (British Post Box on streak street) on by Luis Llerena

Contribution of photo (Woman on ledge) on by Julius Caesar

Monday 6 July 2015

Intuition and Strategic Decisions...

Are yesterday’s successes a road map for tomorrow’s data driven world? 

We all marvel at the technological innovations that have changed the world at an astounding pace. From Silicon Valley California to Silicon Docks Dublin, the rate of innovation and value adding contributions to tomorrow’s world is truly a sight to behold!

What we often overlook is the human behaviours that lie beneath the surface in tech savvy business that could reasonably give cause for alarm, yet are handled daily by human beings getting on with their lives and progressing their business interests. When we humans have to make big decisions against an unreasonably tight time frame, we fall instinctively on our intuition to fill the time deficit and come out with an answer that makes sense.

After all, if it worked for our parents, our mentors and seniors in the workplace, then why cant we sit “in the big chair” and be equally if not more successful? Its noteworthy that our success using our intuition is not a matter of skill… it’s really a matter of luck when overusing our intuition in big decisions. Over 80% of senior US Executives reportedly did so in a McKinsey & Co survey I read some years ago! In doing so, we trade expediency of decision making for factual understanding of the topic and it’s context.

When working through the world of our fathers and evaluating the need for data driven strategic decision making in the world of our sons, the following is something I have reflected upon in such an evaluation:

Hyper connectivity – We have a distributed technological infrastructure that allows us to access more and more information in a more and more sophisticated manner and on a global scale. We can communicate instantly at a very low cost on a global scale and unsurprisingly we do just that!

Complexity Explosion – With dramatic increases in access to data, it’s becoming more and more clear that data driven decisions make for better outcomes. However, opportunities to adopt are still abound. On modern oil platforms, approximately **40,000 sensor tags could be deployed with currently installed systems but only a minority are actually used mainly for safety and regulatory tasks. What data could be garnered from using 100% deployment of the sensors and what could be done with it??

Faster World - We need to refine our thinking down to logic derived from data sets, as solely using a summation of our past experiences is no longer a luxury we can afford! Data driven decisions are now possible to do at scale and soon will be a requirement for maintaining a competitive edge! In short, we have less time to react when we get it wrong, so intending to be right first time needs to become policy! Intuition needs to become a minority contribution to any strategic decision-making process. It needs to surrender dominance to data driven insights, deductive reasoning and the resulting picture it presents to the executive or executive team engaged in the decision making process. If done right, executives can then use their intuition in the context of a data driven fact-based environment reducing the propensity to make wild card comparisons between the current scenario and aggregate insights from former, often unrelated experiences.

So, big data may have being ignored but we now need to tap into it to make better strategic decisions! Where do we start, how do we do it??

A difficult question, which requires customised knowledge of your business and situation. However, I submit the following is a great place to start:

Understand your problem. Define it in terms of where did it come from, what it impacts and what elements impacted have dependencies on seemingly unrelated elements inside or outside your company (e.g. regulatory, customers, etc)??? It’s always good to map them out.

Risk Assessment. If you have a risk assessment of the problem, review it for any red flags that relate to your defined problem and insights gained by the solutions proposed therein.

Data Interoperability. Are your in-house databases structured well by design? Are they SQL/RDBMS, NoSQL and/or Cloud? Is your network distributed and if so, are external vendor nodes present from the cloud? Is your data normalised (maintaining normal forms through data table parent/child relationships on RDBMS) or de-normalised (large record by row tables)? Are you set up for semi-structured data (JSON file readability)?

Data Integrity. Is the data housed in your data warehouse meaningful to your business and is it maintained properly with duplicates removed accurately and data maintained in a timely fashion?  Do you attach meaningful keys to records for RDBMS and/or keys to key value pairs outside of RDBMS?

Data context. Is your current data collection program covering data sets that are key to the problem and/or assist in the analysis of big data that will yield valuable insights for the senior team? Is 3rd party data required and if so, are you set up for this??

These are some points I think you should look at before engaging in big data analysis. Even if you feel you should proceed, the value you get from a consultant if you have already made a start will be much higher for this prior effort!

Sustainable is a relative word but adaptability is universal! In this information age, our ability to adapt to the changing environment will ultimately determine our fate, which is why big data usage is too important to not understand first and use second! Data driven processes leading to data driven decisions at the top will not only alter the success rate of the decision for the better, it will also change the culture and practice of the business to a more sustainable footing, which is the space between people, process and technology; securing a path ahead to a better tomorrow! All this in mind, why not start looking at your big data options today?  You may be pleasantly surprised!




*Professor Roberto Cabeza, from Duke University, North Carolina, United States, said: "Older people have learned to be less affected by negative information in order to maintain their well being and emotional state.”

**McKinsey & Co article on big data digitizing oil and gas at