Monday 29 June 2015

Reskilling for Technology - A true labour of love!

If machines can learn, then maybe we should never stop!!...

Can we harness our passion for a new start in our working lives?  I think so! Einstein theorised that we become more dogmatic and settled from our 30’s onwards, so how does this transform us into relics of the past?? In software, younger minds are preferred as they learn quicker, are more dynamic and less dogmatic! I submit that it’s actually a matter of attitude, if we commit to the pursuit of knowledge and engage in continuous learning at any age, then we will succeed like we are 18 years old again!

The good news is that its never too late to switch careers, the bad news is that it takes passion, commitment, aptitude and belief in the ability to do so! If you are passionate about Technology, then my advice is to go for it, do so with a committed heart and welcome everything the industry brings!

So, if you want to learn software to any level, then my starting advice is the following:

Map out your goals – Know why you are making the effort, as the commitment required will challenge your belief in your ability to succeed! If you know what you want from it, it will keep you focused when times get tough especially in the early part of the learning curve!

Plan your learning experience – Research what you want to be, map out what you need to learn and plan the strategy to complete your learning curve in the timetable of your life. A cautionary note, don’t overstretch, try to keep your goals at entry level.  Learning a single OOP language for the first time is a high intensity endeavour and stressful! Work through it in depth and at a slower pace then you would with subsequent languages. It will determine how good you are on following languages you learn. Why not learn computer science 101 first, then a single OOP language where you can branch out like I’m doing currently. I learned C# at college, now I’m learning Java, Python and SQL to take me to the next level.

Computer Science First – You are free do go onto Code Academy and start on Java, etc but getting to know the fundamentals of computer science first is a great idea! It makes learning the languages that are based on it much easier. Knowing about Object Orientated Programming, Scripts, Striping, RAID, Storage, Stack & Heap plus others gives you a solid grounding before your learning experience in coding. Also, learning how to use the version control tool Github is a great idea! Code Academy has a recommended course on Github, which I was made aware of by an acquaintance. It’s not easy to pick up Github on the fly so learning it in a structured manner makes good sense.

Try to Code Daily – Coding skills are a practiced skill; do drill daily in them. Code for as long as you want in 35-minute increments. A 2-minute break will give the mind a rest and allow you to operate at a higher intellectual level when coding. Also, the mind needs time to orientate itself to a ‘coders mind set’ so ensure frequent coding takes place. It’s a difficult ask from experience but worth it in building coding skills iteratively, which is the most effective approach.

Learn to research problems and learn to love it! – There is nothing more frustrating then hitting a brick wall. When you see a brick wall as a juicy challenge, then you have a good approach. Google is your friend and the best hits for coding problems often leads you to Open an account there for free, I guarantee it will often come in handy!

Map your progress – Learning plans are great for ensuring you are progressing as you designed. If you can map your progress, you can make plans to start developing your own portfolio when your skills reach a marketable level.

College Courses Rock – If you are lucky enough like myself to land yourself a college course, then groovy is an understatement! Use all material given and shoot for best possible outcomes through reiterating over it. I was also lucky enough at Dublin Business School (DBS) to be on a specialist software course, where the lecturer was very experienced in the practice and the theory of software. The insights and practical advice will stand by me for the rest of my days in the industry! When you love the material and have a passion for it, you retain knowledge much quicker so apply yourself accordingly.

Twin Track Approach is King! – When looking for a job with no professional coding experience, having industry certifications from the likes of Microsoft (MTA) and Oracle (OCA) is a must! Plan your academics and/or industry certifications so you have coverage of software development (computer science/coding/development) and databases in particular.

When in training, start networking! – I have learnt over the years that those who don’t actively network do not get on in life! People are more comfortable really knowing you, which will give you an edge at an interview. Network on, go-to the meets and learn about the coding languages and new technologies out there. Make contacts and professional friends in those you meet with and stay in touch over social media. Also, circulate blogs and videos out over social media keeping your network informed of what you are doing and show off your latest coding project that is non propriety over Github. A portfolio site like mine at is also a great idea as it allows you to showcase your projects and details in one place. It also makes those future employers more comfortable in their effort to get to know you! 

In order to be sustainable in software, we need to take some life lessons to heart on never stop learning, never stop loving what you do and never give up! We decide our own futures and despite the young feel to the Software Industry, it welcomes all those who belong there regardless of age, so grasp your future today! Maybe we will share a story or two at the next industry Software meet, it would be my great pleasure to watch you succeed from a decision you make in your life today!




Nicolai Berntsen contributed the feature photo of Union Station via

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